SDOC being sued by Injured Student

The School District of Oconee County (SDOC) is being sued over the care offered to a student injured in a car wreck. The lawsuit alleges that on Nov. 2, 2015, West-Oak High School failed to provide proper care for a student, identified as Jane Doe, after she was hurt in an accident in the parking lot of a restaurant near Seneca. The accident is alleged to have occurred when the car the student was riding in collided with a second vehicle. The driver of the second vehicle is also named as a defendant. The student was riding in a car driven by a second student, and the two had stopped at the restaurant on the way back to school from having taken vocational classes. At West-Oak, according to the allegations, the student “passed out and hit her head on the floor and was unconscious for approximately 20 minutes.” The lawsuit alleges that since then, the student suffers from neurological damage affecting memory. A jury trial and damages are being sought in the 10th Judicial Circuit Court.