SDOC Board hears report on Summer Progress

The Board of Trustees for the School District of Oconee County held its regular meeting Monday night.  With more than a month before the start of the new school year, the Board heard a report from Superintendent Dr. Mike Lucas on progress being made this summer in anticipation of the new year.  “The summer is really an important time for us.  Yes, it does slow down a little bite because we don’t have buses on the road and have to worry about accidents and things of that nature.  But actually, it is a time when we do all the maintenance, it is a time when we do hiring and it is also a time when we start getting our test scores in and start pinpointing what do we want to do to improve performance in Oconee County.  So, I can say honestly, its been the beginning of a new year and we have been working hard and it is hard to believe but kids come back to school in five weeks.” Dr. Lucas gives the dates when teachers and students start back to school in Oconee County.  “Tuesday, August 13th is the first day back for teachers even though many of them have been in all summer long with training and also getting their rooms ready.  Our teachers get excited about the return of school.  Kids come back on August 20th, one week later.” Dr. Lucas also informed the Board of the August 1st release of PASS and HSAP test grades for schools and the district as a whole.