SDOC holds 2nd Battle of the Books

The School District of Oconee County held its second Battle of the Books competition on Saturday at Blue Ridge Elementary School. Battle of the Books is a competition that promotes reading quality literature for enjoyment and then competing with other students about the details of the books.  Fourth and fifth grade students formed teams. School competitions were held to get a winning team that would advance to the district battle. Ten elementary schools comprised of 50 students participated in the competition. Each team had to read and be familiar with 10 books chosen from the South Carolina Children’s Book Award Nominees. The ten teams competed in the first round narrowing the field to five teams for round two. The final round brought Westminster Elementary, Northside Elementary, and Ravenel Elementary students together to compete for the honor of becoming the district winner. The competition was intense, but the Ravenel students came out with the win! Every participant received a medal for their accomplishments and a team t-shirt. Westminster Elementary and Northside Elementary received plaques, while the district winner, Ravenel, received a trophy to proudly display at their school.