SDOC monitoring Enrollment

The new school year has begun in Oconee County and even though students have returned to the classroom we will not know exactly how many there are in the School District of Oconee County until after ten days, explains Superintendent Dr. Mike Lucas. “I know we will probably have about 10,500 students and of course what we will do the first ten days is every day we will get a count to let us know how our enrollment is going.  Our history has been pretty good.” Student enrollment is closely monitored throughout the summer, explains Dr. Lucas. “We monitor throughout the summer enrollments, so, that if we see a school is going to have more kids than they are supposed in a grade, we go ahead and add a teacher then or we shift a teacher from another school.  We did that recently at Ravenel, we just added another teacher because of enrollment.  So, again we are monitoring it, mainly instead of individuals we are looking at classroom sizes and that helps determine the shifts we need to make as far as teachers.” The official number of students in the School District of Oconee County will be announced to the Board of Trustees at their first meeting in September.