SDOC preparing for Summer School

Summer school in the School District of Oconee County is getting a make over.  This summer, students will attend Seneca High School for “Summer aCATemy”, which is a summer school program for students to earn credits towards graduation, explains Seneca High School Guidance Director Karen Trammell.  “Summer school for the District this year will be housed at Seneca High School.  It is going to have a different format, there will be a lot of initial credit opportunities as well credit recovery for those who did not pass their classes and that information is posted on the Seneca High School website. The cost is $300 if paid by May 23 and $325 if paid after May 23. Summer School will be Monday-Thursday, June 10-27 and July 8-25 from 9am to noon and 1pm to 4pm. Courses that bear a full unit of credit require attendance at the June and July sessions. Courses that bear a half unit of credit require attendance at either the June or July session.” Detailed information packets are also available in the front office at Seneca High School. Students must provide their own transportation to summer school.