SDOC Ready to Welcome Back Students & Staff

In less than a week, on Monday, August 24th, Oconee County students will be back in schools receiving in person instruction for the first time in almost six months, and at last night’s Board of Trustees meeting for the School District of Oconee County, Superintendent Dr. Michael Thorsland said that the district has been working hard to prepare to welcome back students and staff “with open arms.” Some of the precautions, in addition to added cleaning, includes socially distancing students in both classrooms and on buses. Thorsland said that should a positive case cause a school to be closed, the rest of the district should still be able to offer face to face learning, unless it becomes widespread enough to force the reversal to distance learning. In the last several days, Oconee County has seen only single digit increases of cases on a daily basis, and Dr. Thorsland said that makes him “cautiously optimistic” that they will be able to keep in person instruction as a viable option for their students.