SDOC releases School and District Numbers on Day 15

The School District of Oconee County (SDOC) has released school and district numbers for enrollment on day 15, tells Associate Superintendent of Administration Steve Hanvey. “Well on the 15th day we had 10,628 students in the district and across it has played about like we expected when we did our projections. Seneca Middle is a little higher than we had projected and Walhalla Middle a little lower, but pretty much the rest of them are on course. We do a projection after the 135th day when we start figuring out how many teachers and staff members schools are going to get and we keep a record of that and do trend patterns and things and have a formula, so it worked out pretty well. We have consistently in the district been between 10-11,000. We’ve gone up a little bit over our normal 10,500 because we have added some 4K classes over the last several years, but this looks to be fairly consistent with what we have had in the past.” The student enrollment numbers at the elementary schools in the SDOC are 5,237 students total with Blue Ridge Elementary having 628, Fair-Oak Elementary 603, James M. Brown 642, Keowee Elementary 401, Northside Elementary 684, Orchard Park Elementary 442, Ravenel Elementary 580, Tamassee-Salem Elementary 226, Walhalla Elementary 589 and Westminster Elementary 442. The middle school total is 2,427 students with Seneca Middle having 853, Walhalla Middle with 877 and West-Oak Middle with 697. The high school total is 2,964 students with Seneca High having 999, Walhalla High with 1,140 and West-Oak High with 825. To learn more about the SDOC, visit