Seneca approves Additional Cost of Roof Repair

An additional $9,000 was approved to complete the repair work done on the Propex building.  At their meeting this week, the Seneca City Council transferred the money to pay a change order for the repairs, explains Seneca Mayor Day Alexander.  “We just have re-done the roof on the facility, the majority of it.  We had a little bit of an overrun there that we had to actually transfer some funds from the City into the Facility Corporation to take care of that invoice, but that part of the project is completed.  That was where we did the New Market Tax Credit but there were a couple extra things there that were a little bit more than what we thought we were going to have to do.” The additional money puts the total cost to replace the roof of the city-owned 423,000-square-foot industrial building at $2.6 million.  Another project is planned for the site, adds Mayor Alexander. “The railroad spur, that is something that is getting ready to be done, the bids have been received on it.  They are going to be actually re-doing that railroad spur in there.  Therefore, that was another thing that was part of all this project that need to be done, that is getting completed and almost finished.  So, they will get started on that pretty soon too and that will take care of that.” Seneca bought the facility on Shiloh Road in June of last year through a partnership agreement with Oconee County.  Mayor Alexander said despite the roof needing to be replaced the project has been successful. “We’ve got three tenants in the building now; Seneca City Administrator Greg Dietterick is talking to a couple of other people.  We have a great partnership with the county, Oconee County Administrator Scott Moulder and the County Council are doing everything they can to help us get the building filled and also they know there is some potential there.  They have 100 acres there that they can do some economic development too.” The Mayor hopes to name new tenants for the Propex property in the near future.