Seneca City Council And Oconee County Council To Meet Tonight For Regular Council Meetings

(Seneca, SC)————————It will be a busy afternoon and evening for meetings in the city of Seneca and Oconee County as well. Seneca City Council will hold their regular meeting tonight at 6pm in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The meeting was moved to tonight from last Tuesday due to the special city council election. Stuart Pohl, who was elected to City Council last Tuesday, will be sworn in tonight. Also tonight, Oconee County Council will have their regular council meeting at 6pm in Council Chambers on Pine Street. Among the items on the agenda will be an presentation to Council concerning the Highway 123 Corridor Project, a second reading regarding a fee in lieu of tax agreement in regards to an economic development matter titled Project Plan 4, an action item regarding approval from the County for the commitment of matching funds, not to exceed $300,000, toward the application to the SC Rural Infrastructure Authority for water and sewer infrastructure expansion in the Seneca Rail Park on Shiloh Road in Seneca. According to information provided by the County, there is currently no water or sewer service within the park. Council will also go into Executive Session to discuss not only Project Plan 4 but also an economic development matter entitled Project Aztec. 

Also meeting today before the County Council meeting will be a meeting of the Law Enforcement, Public Safety, Health and Welfare Committee of Oconee County Council in Council Chambers as well as the Operations and Planning Committee Meeting of the Oconee Joint Regional Sewer Authority.