Seneca City Council Approves Second And Final Reading Of Ordinance To Amend The City of Seneca Design Review Guidelines

(Seneca, SC)——————–Seneca City Council held their regularly scheduled monthly meeting last night in Council Chambers at City Hall. Among the items on the agenda was the second and final reading of an ordinance to amend the City of Seneca Design Review Guidelines.

With what that means to current and potential downtown business owners, here is Seneca City Administrator Scott Moulder. 

Seneca City Administrator Scott Moulder says that in the improvement district, it will provide an application process for how you can gain approval of the exterior colors that a business owner wants to paint their buildings if they are going to modify it from the original colors. 

Moulder says it does not limit the colors as much as the hues and the brightness of the colors and how it coordinates with neighboring properties. There are multiple buildings with two tenants or two owners that in some cases that in the past were owned by one owner and operated by one business. Moulder said the ordinance will make sure the architectural elements of that one building are maintained so there is not two colors halfway down the middle of the building to maintain some consistency.