Seneca City Council Passes 2nd And Final Reading Of Fiscal Year 2020 Budgets

(Seneca, SC)———–Seneca City Council held a Work Session and Special Called Council Meeting last night as well as a Public Hearing on the 2019-2020 fiscal year budget. 

During the Council Meeting, Council passed on 2nd and final reading seven different budgets related to city business and activities, including the Seneca City budget which totals over $12.4 million dollars and the Seneca Light and Water Budget, which totals over $31.6 million dollars. 

Council also approved the Seneca Light and Water transfer to the General Fund Resolution in the amount of over $4.5 million dollars. 

Seneca City Council also went into Executive Session to discuss three matters and upon returning from executive session, Council directed Seneca City Administrator Scott Moulder to proceed with the sale of property on East South 2nd Street as discussed in Executive Session.