Seneca Events Committee recommends Summer and Fall Schedule

The Seneca Events Committee met Wednesday afternoon to approve the summer and fall schedule recommendation to the full city council. Seneca Events Coordinator Riley Johnson says the committee discussed the Strickland Museum Summer Series, Summer Movie on the Green, 2018 Fall Jazz Fest, Cruz’n on Main, Halloween on the Green, Jazzy Christmas and Seneca Fest 2019. “It was a great meeting, we had a chance to sit down and talk about some upcoming events and have them recommended by the Events Committee to City Council. Once the City Council puts their approval on it, we will be able to get going with some great events. We talked about the Bertha Lee Strickland Cultural Museum and a special events that they have coming up in July. Shelby Henderson will be heading that event up. We also talked about Jazz on the Alley for the fall to see if the Events Committee wanted to continue doing that event along with Cruz’n on Main, Halloween on the Green and Jazzy Christmas. A new event that we brought to the table for this year is downtown movies in the park. We experimented it last year and we wanted to try it when school gets out. So, if Council approves it every Saturday night starting in June we will be showing a movie at Norton-Thompson Park. So, it will be a chance for folks to bring their families out, sit out on the green and enjoy an absolutely free movie. That would start when school lets out for the summer. So, we had a great Events Committee Meeting and hopefully if Council approves all the recommendations we’ll continue doing some great events here in Seneca.” The recommendation now goes to the Seneca City Council for consideration and final approval. More details about these events will be announced after final approval is given.