Seneca Fire Department Displays Brand New 2017 Fire Engine


(Seneca, SC)————–The Seneca Fire Department will soon have a new fire engine in service, Engine 74. The new fire engine, a 2017 Pierce Arrow XT, will be put into service within the next couple of weeks. The Fire Department held a ceremony late yesterday afternoon and invited Seneca city leaders to attend. 

Seneca Fire Chief Richie Caudill says that buying a fire engine that was already built saved the city of Seneca about $100,000 and prevented a 13 month wait for a new engine to be built. The new engine will be paid for through a lease purchase program over a five year period. The engine cost almost $478,000 and the first year’s payment was already figured in to this years budget, according to Chief Caudill. 

Last year, the Seneca Fire Department responded to almost 2,000 calls, 1,000 of which were fire related. In the month of January, Seneca Fire has responded to nearly 200 dispatched calls. The engine will pump 1,500 gallons of water with a 750 gallon tank, according to Chief Caudill.