Seneca Improvements Corporation approves Three Business Incentives

Three business incentives were approved by the Seneca Improvements Corporation at their meeting Wednesday morning. Keowee Brewing Company Owner Alex Butterball was approved for the Economic Development Incentive Program, explains Seneca City Administrator Scott Moulder. “That was our first milestone and that program is based on what they pay in in their first year, so it all depends on what they pay in for water fees, business license and Hospitality and Accommodations Tax. That is more of a rebate back.” The Keowee Brewing Company also received approval for the Commercial Building Improvement Program, adds Moulder. “That program is designed to help building owners, whether it be a new building owner or not, so the Keowee Brewing Company applied for both because not only is he a new business coming to town but he is also rehabbing an old building. So, that program is designed for facade improvement grants as well as complete reconstruction grants. You are eligible for up to 15% of the construction costs. So, initially he was approved for $75,000 and change to be granted when he has completed the project.” The projected opening of the Keowee Brewing Company is in the first quarter of 2019. The third business incentive was approved for Mary Tannery through the Commercial Building Improvement Program, tells Moulder. “Her application was approved for up to $60,000 based on her estimated construction costs. One of the unique things about her project is that is going to be our first residential application for downtown. So, we are going to see some residential accommodations on the second floor of the old Green’s Drapery building.” Through the two incentive programs, the city has made a pool of $200,000 available to local businesses.