Seneca Light and Water planning move to Kellett Property

Plans are in the works to move the administrative offices of Seneca Light and Water to the old Kellett school building.  The City of Seneca received the old school building when the school district built the new Blue Ridge Elementary School.  The City has been using the building over the last couple of years as a training facility, but Seneca Mayor Dan Alexander says it is now being considered for office space.  “The Kellett property is actually the whole block, so there is lots of land there that we will be able to utilize for what we need.  Over last year, one thing that happened was that we used part of that building for training facilities and what happened was we were actually able to see the real advantage of that piece of property and what it could be.” More room is needed for growing city departments, adds Mayor Alexander.  “We have out grown were we are, so we felt like that was the ideal spot to move almost all of the administrative offices for the Light and Water Department, Sewer Department and all those departments.  They will move over into that facility and on the outside some building will be built to store supplies in metal sheds.” City leaders are in the process of drawing up plans for the Kellett building and the Seneca City Council recently approved a $2.2 million bond issue for the renovation project, explains Mayor Alexander. “They are putting a plan together on exactly how all that will be laid out, but the building is actually a pretty large building with lots of office space and potentials in it.  So, we are looking forward to that coming together.  Several departments have out grown their space, it would free up the building that they are in now, which would be able to be used by another department, which is cramped for space too.” The project is expected to take one year to 18-months to complete.