Seneca Lions Club chooses Peace Poster Contest Winners

Peace and kindness. It doesn’t take much to understand that you can’t achieve one without the other. For more than 25 years, Lions Club International has sponsored a Peace Poster Contest for children ages 11-13 in an effort to encourage young people worldwide to express their visions of peace. Sponsored locally by the Seneca Lions Club, art students at Seneca Middle School worked hard over the course of several weeks to create posters that portrayed this year’s contest them of “Kindness Matters.” After a thorough review, five works were judged to be the best. Seneca Lions Club member Nancy Bock came to the school to award the top five. They were: 1st place – Aurora Negro, 2nd place – Leah Broome, 3rd place – Lily Foster-Kyle, 4th place – Caroline McElroy, and Honorable Mention – Brianna Bates. Aurora’s artwork will now move on to district-level judging and then hopefully further to the International level. All of their artwork may be seen hanging in Ye Olde Sandwich Shoppe over the next few weeks.