Seneca looking to change Business License Ordinance

The City of Seneca is looking to change its business license ordinance to better align with the state. Tuesday night during their Work Session, the Seneca City Council heard a recommendation from the South Carolina Municipal Association concerning the business license ordinance, explains Seneca Mayor Dan Alexander. “For the last several years there has been lots of discussion about the business license ordinance and some people feel like it needs to be more simplified. So, what has happened out of that from the South Carolina Municipal Association there is a recommendation being made from them to all cities to pass an ordinance to reflect what they are recommending. Some of this actually addresses some of the concerns, it does address some of the concerns that several people may have had that have really been wanting the business license thing to change some. A lot of it is the same, but some of it is changing and it may be a lot of it in the wording, how things are worded. So, we are definitely looking at the recommendation from the Municipal Association.” At their next meeting, Mayor Alexander says that the Seneca City Council will consider first reading on this change to the business license ordinance. This standard business license ordinance would place all South Carolina municipalities on an identical timeline when it comes to the dates that businesses must adhere to in order to obtain licenses in cities across the state.