Seneca Municipal Election Results

Unofficial results from Tuesday’s Seneca Municipal Election are in, tells Oconee County Voter Registration and Elections Director Joy Scharich. “It looks like we had a little bit lower turnout than the last time this group was on the ballot. We have Scott Durham with 487, Joel Ward with 460, Denise Rozman with 394, W.C. Honeycutt Jr. with 354, so that would be the top four and then we had Stuart Pohl with 348 and Robert B. Holbrooks with 220. That’s about a 13% turnout that includes absentee. It looks like we have five provisional ballots that we need to be canvassed on Thursday to add to the total or to decide if the board counts those on Thursday at 11am, that will be here at Pine Street and then it will be a wrap.” Scharich continues by thanking poll workers for their hard work. “Poll workers did a great job. I know it is a long day, I think sometimes it is a longer day when it is not as busy as you would like for it to be, but they always do a great job. It is a good group of people and they are very dependable.” Once again, the Oconee County Board of Voter Registration and Elections will canvass the poll results at 11am on Thursday at 415 South Pine Street in Walhalla before making them official.