Seneca receives DOT Livability Grant Funds

Funding for the preparatory work on Seneca’s new all-electric buses was received this week by the city.  Seneca Mayor Dan Alexander gives details. “That was one part of the process that we had to go through to be able to do what we are doing with the electric buses.  We got the major grant, which was like $4.2 million to be able to buy the buses that came from the Federal Government, and then this Livability Grant was another grant that Seneca Planning and Development Director Ed Halbig worked very hard to apply for and was able to get.  That grant allows us to do necessary improvements, things that needed to be done, for the operational side of the CAT bus.  Some of that money will be used in the downtown park to set up the new charging stations and there will be some new curb cuts put in as well.  Everything is sort of shifting to the bottom on Railroad Street for the charging station and the sitting area where people get on and off the buses.  Also at the Pro Pex property where the Seneca Rail Site is, this is also money that is going to be used at that site to do some of the improvement there that needs to be done to house the buses.” The $1.8 million Livability Grant from the SC DOT will fund the new bus shelters planned for Oconee Medical Center and downtown on Railroad Street as well as improvements to the Seneca Rail Site, which is the former Pro Pex building, where the buses will be stored when not in use.  Mayor Alexander thanked a number of people for helping the city secure the grant.  “We couldn’t do what we do if we weren’t very fortunate to get these grants and toe be able to have people in leadership roles like U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham that has worked very hard, State Senator Thomas Alexander, along with Seneca City Administrator Greg Dietterick, Seneca Planning and Development Director Ed Halbig, Congressman Jeff Duncan, former Congressman Gresham Barrett originally started that and then Jeff came after that.  Lindsey and Thomas have just done an amazing job making sure things get through the channels, that is harder said than done.  Along with Proterra, Al with Clemson Area Transit, Eddie Adams with the SC DOT.  Just so many people, I hope I am not leaving somebody out but I know I am, but we couldn’t do what we do without the help of all these people.” The Mayor anticipates work to begin early this fall.