Senecae Planning Commission Sends Three Applications To Seneca City Council For Approval

(Seneca, SC)————————The Seneca Planning Commission held a meeting earlier this week and three applications were on the agenda, including two that involved requests to rezone property. The first rezoning request was for property located on Towe Street to be rezoned to residence general in regards to placement of a manufactured home. The second request involved the old Sandifer Funeral Home property on Swansea Lane. The reqest involved rezoning the property from office commercial to multi-family residential. The third application was in regards to a Commercial Design Ordinance based on a recommendation from an work session earlier Monday afternoon from the Seneca Board of Architectural Review regarding a commercial design ordinance. This ordinance involved an area known as the Downtown Reinvestment Area, which encompasses Holleman Street and the intersection of 1st and 2nd Streets and it involves guidelines on how buildings should be painted in the area. The ordinance would require buildings to not be painted in colors that are not considered architectural in nature. All three applications were recommended to be sent to Seneca City Council for approval at their next meeting.