Sesquicentennial Series: The Dark Corner

On Thursday, April 19, at 6pm, the Seneca Library hosts the Sesquicentennial Series. This month’s discussion features Oconee County native Mark Powell’s book The Dark Corner. The community is invited to join and discuss the novel, then discuss the issues relating to Oconee County that are featured in the book. In The Dark Corner, Mark Powell confronts crucial issues currently shaping our culture: environmentalism and the disappearance of wild places, the crippling effects of wars past and present, drug abuse, and the rise of right-wing paranoia. With his skillful plotting, feel for place, and gift for creating complex and compelling characters, Powell evokes a world as vivid and immediate as the latest news cycle, while at the same time he offers a nuanced reflection on timeless themes of violence, longing, redemption, faith, and love.