Sewer South Project Appears Closer To Reality After Board Of Commissioners Meeting Last Night

(Seneca, SC)—————————The long awaited Sewer South Project appears to be one step closer to reality after a meeting last night of the Board of Commissioners of the Oconee Joint Regional Sewer Authority. 

Chris Eleazer, Executive Director for the Sewer Authority, says that the first item on the agenda last night was consideration of the proposed Sewer South Agreement between Oconee County and the Sewer Authority. In regards to the latest version of the agreement, Eleazer said the Board seems satisfied with it, with one minor recommendation for revision. That revision will has been passed along to Sewer Authority Attorney Larry Brandt to pass along to County Attorney David Root to see if County Council would be open to it. 

The other item was to authorize the agency to enter the documents as necessary for the Rural Infrastructure Authority Grant, which is a state of South Carolina agency. This regards a grant that has been awarded so the paperwork can be submitted for that grant. The Board authorized Eleazer to go and submit the documentation to the state for funding for the Sewer South project.