Short-term Rental Plan rejected by Seneca Planning Commission

A large crowd packed the Council Chambers of Seneca City Hall Monday night to voice concerns about a proposed short-term rental amendment to the zoning ordinance. Seneca Planning and Community Development Director Ed Halbig gives details. “The Planning Commission voted against the plan as it is written, so I think the issue may be trying to look at a rewrite of it. But it was a very packed house but also a very cordial and I think, productive discussion from both sides of the issue.” The Seneca Planning Commission voted 4-0 against the proposed ordinance. Halbig said the Planning Commission will now look at re-wording it. “Essentially this is an ordinance that would codify short-term rentals as a conditional use in the zoning ordinance. Currently, the zoning ordinance does not address the short-term rentals and the city’s position has always been that those things that are not permitted or permitted with conditions in the ordinance are restricted; however, we are being asked to look at this again based on the advice of the attorney and the request of the city council.” Nine residents spoke during the public hearing about the proposed ordinance, which now goes to the Seneca City Council for second and final reading on May 8.