SHS launches Billboard Initiative

To help offset the cost of future projects, the Athletic Department at Seneca High School (SHS) has launched a capital projects fundraising campaign, tells SHS Athletic Director Yon Radford. “We’ve got our Billboard Initiative rolled out and we are probably within a month of it going up. Basically what we are offering is three levels where local businesses can participate on our billboard. Basically we are going to put a billboard up right there at the school, it will be a year long, pretty much businesses can agree to advertise with us basically for a year. So pretty much you are getting a billboard ad for one year. Your also going to be put on our fences for fall and spring sports. Part of the reason we are doing this is two big things; we are trying to replace our spring scoreboards, they’re getting up in age they’re all about 20 years and we are going to try to replace them over the next three years. Depending on what level you go in at those top level donors are going to end up getting on all the scoreboards. It was a renewal year for the gym, so we are in the process of switching them over our advertising in the gym where they get an ad. Basically, it is just a great opportunity for the businesses to give back to the school, which is something that our community has been so great about doing. I’ll be honest with you, the people I have asked nobody has really told us no. It has been unbelievable the support and the willingness of the community to give back to the school. I just can’t say enough and brag enough about our community and what they are willing to do for our school.” If anybody would like to make a donation, they can call Coach Radford at 864-886-4461.