SMS Students jump into Reading

Recently, over 20% of the entire Seneca Middle School (SMS) student body was away from school for most of a school day and it was a cause of celebration not alarm; in this case because of an epidemic of reading. Over 170 sixth, seventh and eighth grade students participated in the 2017-2018 South Carolina Junior Book Award (SCJBA) contest. By reading at least three of the twenty nominated titles for the contest, these students earned the opportunity to go on a fun-filled field trip sponsored by the media center to Gravitopia, which is an indoor trampoline-filled play area in Greenville followed by lunch at Golden Corral. SMS Media Specialist Sydney Jones said of the record number of participating students, “Each year we strive to get our students reading and although this trip is used to motivate them, we are confident that it also sparks their interests and fosters a genuine desire to continue reading for pleasure. They and their ELA teachers who helped encourage them are to be commended for their record-setting performance. I hope to exceed that number next year.”