Social Hosts Ordinance approved by Clemson City Council

At their regular meeting in March, the Clemson City Council approved second reading of the Social Hosts Ordinance. Clemson Mayor JC Cook gives details. “Police Chief Jimmy Dixon had a problem with a lot of parties that get out of control. He started a party registration several years ago and that has worked pretty well but he just needs another tool in his chest. Our city council had a lot of deliberations on this, we actually met with the Clemson University Interfraternity Council President and their officers to make sure that they were comfortable with everything that was in the Social Hosts Ordinance. This is not targeted at fraternities, it is targeted at everyone that has a party in the City of Clemson. Just to make sure that they are running their parties in a responsible way; not letting under aged people have alcohol, not letting cars block streets and parking in places they shouldn’t park and of course not disturbing their neighbors. This is to protect the single family homes and the full time residents of the city that need to enjoy their sleep at night.” The ordinance should not affect tailgating, continues Mayor Cook. “As long as your party is abiding by the rules. This doesn’t say that you can’t have a party. It just says that your party is not going to be one that disturbs all the neighbors and keeps people up all hours of the night and that you are not going to provide alcohol for under aged people. So, it just puts a little responsibility on the hosts of parties. I’m sure when football season rolls around there will still be tailgates a plenty and plenty of parties. This is not aimed at tailgaters or going to tailgates. I think the enforcement of what has been going on at football games will remain the same as it has over the past years.” Simply put, the Social Hosts Ordinance in the City of Clemson is meant to prevent social gatherings from getting out of control to the extent that the public health, safety, peace, and welfare is threatened or disturbed.