South Cove offering Fish and Tackle Loaner Program

A day of fishing is a wonderful way to enjoy spending time outdoors with friends and family. You can now fish at South Cove Park without owning a rod or tackle box thanks to a new program, tells Oconee County Parks, Recreation and Tourism Director Phil Shirley. “One of our park staff, Ranger Fred, worked with the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources and this is a program called the Fish and Tackle Loaner Program, where they supply some fishing rods as well as some basic tackle boxes. You can come over to South Cove and fill out a form with your information and you can sign out a fishing rod and tackle box for you and your family to use. When you come in on the busy weekends that little kiosk is empty. I think we have ten rods and tackle boxes that you can sign out, but you come in, fill out the form and you can see people fishing all around the cove and off the fishing pier. So, that is a great program that is gaining traction. If you want to learn to fish but you don’t have the equipment, come over and borrow it to see if you like it.” The Fish and Tackle Loaner Program also offers helpful hints on topics such as tying knots, rigging a line, what bait to use, and other information you need to know to be prepared for your first fishing trip. Learn more by visiting