Special Event With The 521 All-Stars Baseball Team Today At The Bertha Lee Strickland Museum

(Seneca, SC)————–A special, free event will be taking place today at the Bertha Lee Strickland Cultural Museum in Seneca. A pictorial exhibit has been on display depicting the 521 All-Stars and a baseball league called the Gamecock Baseball League in Rembert, South Carolina that was comprised only of African Americans. The pictorial is from 1996 with the pictures taken by photographer Byron Baldwin. Today, from 4pm until 7pm, the public will have a chance to meet some of those players who made up the 521 All-Stars and the Gamecock Baseball League.
Refreshments and baseball food will be served as well. Shelby says the exhibit is on loan from the South Carolina State Museum. Shelby also tells us that the first 40 individuals through the doors will receive a baseball which they can use to get autographs from the 521 All-Stars.
The pictorial is on exhibit thru May 17th at the Bertha Lee Strickland Cultural Museum, which is located at 208 West South 2nd Street. The exhibit is on display Tuesday thru Saturday from 11am until 4pm. Admission is free.