Stay Hydrated during the Summer Heat

It is getting hot outside. The summer heat is here and preparing for it is the best way to stay safe, says Daby Snipes with Safe Kids Upstate. “The heat is here and if you don’t stay on top of it before you know it you are dehydrated and you can really have terrible side effects. So, get ahead of it. Go ahead and drink water before you ever go out in the morning, especially if you are going to be doing work like mowing the grass and those people that work outside, God bless them all. You have to really watch what you are doing, wear a hat, wear sunscreen, but make sure you are drinking water. Remember we get water from food, so the right kind of foods, fruits and things like that. So, it is really thinking ahead and planning because you know it is going to be hot. Just do all the things that you can to stay safe.” Drink plenty of water, take several breaks in the shade and stay cool as much as possible this summer.