Students learn about Careers while Job Shadowing

Over 100 students in Oconee and Pickens counties learned about area careers by job shadowing on Tuesday as part of the Oconee-Pickens Area Office of South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation. Oconee County Schools Superintendent Dr. Michael Thorsland said students got to see first hand how local companies operate on a daily basis. “It’s a great opportunity for students just to get to know some of the businesses around here and to make connections on things that they can go do after high school where they can earn a living and be productive citizens. It’s a great opportunity for us to work with Voc Rehab and we’re very appreciative of what they do.” Job shadowing was part of Vocational Rehabilitation’s celebration of Disability Mentoring Day. The Oconee-Pickens Office of Vocational Rehabilitation serves many students, adds Dr. Thorsland. “Voc Rehab serves any individual that has a documented disability and that is about 12-15% of our student population, so when they get to be high school aged they can become Voc Rehab clients and just get those additional job skills to make them successful after high school.” The contact number for the South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Department’s Oconee-Pickens Area Office and Work Training Center is 864-882-6669.