Students return to School for Another Academic Year Today

Today is the first day of school in the School District of Oconee County and with that in mind, the Oconee County Sheriff’s Office is offering some safety tips to help teachers, students, administrators and parents have a safe and enjoyable year, tells Public Information Officer Jimmy Watt. “All drivers are encouraged to be very cautious on the roads during the first few days of school. It often takes a week or so for driving patterns around schools to get settled. Being extra careful when driving in school zones is another way to enhance school safety and we appreciate the support of all citizens in this effort. Motorists traveling on a two lane road in both directions, regardless of the way the motorists is traveling, are required by law to come to a complete stop if a school bus has deployed its stop sign and its flashing red or amber lights as it either picks up or drops off students. On a roadway with four or more lanes, you are required to stop for a stopped school bus if you traveling in the same direction as the school bus, however, you are not required to stop by law if you are traveling in the opposite direction approaching the stopped school bus. There are fines and points assessed on your license if you violate the law regarding a stopped school bus. An area roughly ten feet around a stopped school is the greatest potential area for a student to be struck by a vehicle. Observe the flashing speed limit signs that are posted in the school zones. Please bear in mind that those speed limits will vary depending on the time of the day so follow the posted speed limits. If you are caught speeding during these times in a school zone, you will be ticketed. Please watch for students, crossing guards, officers directing traffic and individuals picking up and dropping off students during these times and always obey directions from a school crossing guard and/or a law enforcement officers. As always, avoid distractions, such as eating and using cellular devices, especially in the school zones. Also, watch out for students in residential areas, including around intersections and bus stops areas. Remember, look out for students because they may not be looking out for you, especially in their neighborhoods since they are familiar with these areas. Especially for the first few weeks after school begins, please allow for extra time when picking up and dropping off students as all motorists will need time to get acquainted with the traffic patterns in the school zones. Also, since it has been a few months since the end of the previous school year, take time to watch out for students at the bus stops. Remember to look out for them because they may not be looking out for you.” New this school year, the Oconee County Sheriff’s Office will have a School Resource Officers in all schools within the School District of Oconee County including the Hamilton Career Center and Oconee Academy Alternative School.