Stuff the Truck with Hurricane Relief Supplies Today

The community is invited to stuff the truck with hurricane relief supplies today. Westminster Mayor Brian Ramey encourages everyone in Oconee County to donate. “Well, last Saturday we sent one load of water and supplies down to Mullins, S.C., which is kind of the hub for the smaller communities that are flooded out around there. We sent a small load, but they just need a lot more. So, ONE Community Church in Seneca and the MSA Home Hospice and Health in Seneca have agreed to join forces with Westminster to try to fill a truck today to send down. We have a big yellow rental truck sitting up above the Tractor Supply at the Hospice Center and we are taking donations all day today. They are going to send a load down in the morning. The people from ONE Church have really coordinated this whole effort and we are just joining forces with them hoping we can send a big load down. The waters are still rising and there is still a lot of need down there. Some of the supplies needed are water, Gatorade, canned food, cleaning supplies, trash bags, five gallon buckets for mud out crews, shovels, soap, body wash, toilet paper, paper towels, diapers of all sizes, wipes, toothbrush, tooth paste, animal food and anything else people may think of to donate. They’re also taking cash donations. They’re going to be giving that to the cities where they can distribute the money out to people.” You can make donations in the parking lot of MSA Home Hospice and Health at 1659 Sandifer Boulevard in Seneca until 8pm.