Summer Construction Update: Transformations and Enhancements at Clemson University

Clemson University has numerous construction projects kicking off or advancing this summer, totaling over $116 million. These include renovations to Cribb and Hunter Halls, along with the multi-year renovation of Manning Hall. Other projects involve roadwork, parking lot expansions, and traffic disruptions on Cherry Road. Additionally, several roof replacements and demolition projects are scheduled, including those for Fike Recreation Center and Hendrix Student Center. Future initiatives, such as bus stop shelter installations and road repaving, await announcement of specific dates. Ongoing endeavors, like the Advanced Materials Innovation Complex and Forestry and Environmental Conservation Building construction, continue toward completion, contributing to a dynamic campus environment. Clemson University has also applied for an Alcoholic Beverage License for Death Valley Stadium. Signage was seen affixed to the stadium’s gate this week, informing the public of such.