Anderson County Sheriff’s Office Charges Three Subjects In Shooting At Motel Yesterday

(Seneca, SC)————–The Anderson County Sheriff’s Office has charged three subjects in regards to a shooting that occurred on Highway 29 yesterday.  Deputies responded to the Hilltop Motel on Highway 29 south. Upon arriving on scene, deputies discovered two individuals that had been shot. One of those individuals received non-life threatening injuries while the other required surgery for their injuries.  During […]

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Seneca City Council Approves Co-Sponsorship Of First Ever Cinco de Mayo Event

(Senea, SC)———–Last night, Seneca City Council approved $3,000 from the Hospitality and Accommodations Tax Fund to co-sponsor, along with the Seneca Downtown Merchants Association, the first ever Cinco de Mayo event in downtown Seneca on Saturday, May 4th from 5pm until 9pm.  Ray Murphy, who is President of the Downtown Merchants Association, was a guest, along with City Events Coordinator […]

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Oconee Humane Society To Offer Discounted Spay And Neuter Vouchers Tomorrow For National Pet Day

(Seneca, SC)——————-Tomorrow, Thursday, April 11th is National Pet Day and the Oconee Humane Society will celebrate by offering a special price of $50 for their spay or neuter vouchers.  The event will take place at the Purpose Money location at 906 by-pass 123 in Seneca.  According to information from Angel Newman from the Oconee Humane Society, kittens as young as […]

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Oconee County Sheriff’s Office Arrests Seneca Man And Woman On Drug Charges After Execution Of Search Warrant

(Seneca, SC)——————-The Oconee County Sheriff’s Office has announced the arrest of a Seneca man and woman on drug charges after the execution of a search yesterday on Brookwood Drive.  Candace Michelle McMahan and Tyler Shane McMahan were taken into custody after officers entered the residence and encountered both subjects. After entry was made into the residence, deputies discovered a quantity […]

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Sports Update For Wednesday, April 10th, 2018; South Carolina Defeats Charlotte In Baseball Action Last Night

(Seneca, SC)————————Due to weather conditions, the Clemson baseball game with Charleston Southern that was scheduled for Doug Kingsmore Stadium last night was cancelled. Clemson, 24-8 on the year, will host Furman tonight at home with a 6pm first pitch.  Meanwhile, South Carolina played their game at home last night against Charlotte at Founders Park and came away with a 5-4 […]

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Seneca City Council Approves Recommendation To Changes In CATbus Service Transit Routes

(Seneca, SC)————Seneca City Council also approved a recommendation last night to make changes to the city CATbus Service Transit Routes.  City Administrator Scott Moulder that the city held some recent public hearing and there has been some reevaluation in regards to some of the current residential and commercial routes. Moulder says that due to input from the public hearings, there […]

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Seneca City Council Approves Second And Final Reading Of Ordinance To Amend The City of Seneca Design Review Guidelines

(Seneca, SC)——————–Seneca City Council held their regularly scheduled monthly meeting last night in Council Chambers at City Hall. Among the items on the agenda was the second and final reading of an ordinance to amend the City of Seneca Design Review Guidelines. With what that means to current and potential downtown business owners, here is Seneca City Administrator Scott Moulder.  […]

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