Take Survey on improving Seneca Recreational Facilities

The City of Seneca wants to hear from citizens about how it can improve recreation. The city has launched a survey and Seneca Mayor Dan Alexander is encouraging everyone to take part in it. “We definitely want everybody to check out the survey, go in, let us know, give us your feedback, because it is very important for us that we know what direction the community would like to go in. Recreation has so many different parts to it that we can actually do that will help encourage people to come. If you look at the tournament side of things, a lot of bigger cities or some of the other cities use that as a major resource to get people into town. So, regarding recreation we want to hear what the public has to say. There are some things that we would like to do, we just want to make sure that we are doing what the community would like us to do.” The survey is easy to take, says Seneca Recreation Director Rick Lacey. “Go online and do the survey for us to give us feedback of what everybody in town wants us to have or improve on. The survey is pretty detailed, it will take about ten minutes to do it, but we need at least 400-500 people to do the survey to get the feedback that we really need.” To take the recreation survey, visit https://clemsonhealth.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9FZcmpqrXBLqNWB or the city’s website at www.seneca.sc.us.