TELL Kobie about Litter in OC

The Oconee County Sheriff’s Office invites the community to T.E.L.L. Kobie about litter, explains Public Information Officer Jimmy Watt. “This is a litter initiative in partnership with the Keep Oconee Beautiful Association. We are using their mascot Kobie, with the words T.E.L.L. standing for “Together Eliminate Litter Locations. We have an app that citizens can report these activities via their smartphone or computer. Citizens can go to this app and give us a location and a description of what is there and the report will go to our Environmental Services Officer, Corporal Brandon Meadows. With this report, Corporal Meadows can then go out with inmate labor and pick up the litter and trash in this location. Citizens can go to the Sheriff’s Office website at and click on the Report Litter link. From there, citizens can fill out a short form to report sites in the county where illegal dumping is going on or other locations where litter is a problem. Those citizens reporting this information will remain anonymous and all information given is confidential and for law enforcement eyes only.” The Oconee County Sheriff’s Office is asking citizens to provide as much information as they can and to try to be specific as possible when providing the location and the type of litter at that location, so it can be removed. The website devoted to T.E.L.L. Kobie was designed by the Sheriff’s Office at no cost to taxpayers.