The Emphasis For The All New Seneca Fest 2019 Is On Downtown Seneca

Preparations are continuing for the All New Seneca Fest 2019 as Seneca Fest makes its return to downtown Seneca. Riley Johnson, Events Coordinator for the City of Seneca was a guest on the Coffee Time program recently and said that the emphasis for the All New Seneca Fest is on showing off Downtown Seneca for those who are coming to the event. 

Johnson said that Chairman Scott Durham and Dana Moore, who are on the Events Committee for the city, wanted to focus on capitalizing on the momentum going on downtown Seneca. Johnson said the emphasis for the All New Seneca Fest 2019 is on downtown Seneca and not on a particular big name musical artist, for example, but to get people talking about the downtown area. He hopes that perhaps someone who maybe selling their wares at the event may look at the downtown area as a good place to open up a business. 

The times for the All New Seneca Fest 2019 will be 5pm until 9pm on Thursday, May 23rd, Friday, May 24th and Saturday, May 25th of Memorial Day Weekend.