Think Oconee and shop Local this Holiday Season

“Think Oconee!” is a coordinated spend local campaign created by the Oconee Economic Alliance and Destination Oconee to focus local spending habits, support the county’s businesses and to celebrate what makes Oconee County special. “Think Oconee!” encourages residents to make intentional decisions as to where they spend their dollars, deepening their connection to the community, explains Destination Oconee Manager Janet Hartman. “They need us everyday to keep their doors open. We’re all disappointed when a business closes but we all somewhat have to take responsibility for that because we can help make that different. So, I think if we each take that responsibility. An example, I recently went to visit some friends in Georgia but before I left Oconee County I bought gas because I wanted to spend those dollars here. The sales tax dollars stay here. So, if we could just be thinking like that; before we leave the county, how can we help our own county. These people that own these businesses they’re our friends, they’re our neighbors, they have kids in our school system and the thing is when we spend money here that gives them money to spend and put back into the economy as well. So, we’re all just helping each other. If you just think about it like a carousel, it goes around and the money around and it helps everybody out. What I love is when you go into a small community, you get to see people you know and you become friends with the store owner. Then all of a sudden their stuff becomes really unique and it becomes that one of a kind gift for someone you want to but for. So, I think it’s easy to do but it’s also easy to forget so it is a constant reminder and that is what we hope “Think Oconee!” does for us.” According to the US Chamber of Commerce, money spent with local businesses stays in the community and can continue to circulate up to seven times. One local purchase creates a ripple effect of spending including wages, subsequent purchases of goods and services, donations to local charities, business to business purchases, increase in local taxes and more.