Threat of a lawsuit looms over Clemson University

The threat of a lawsuit looms over Clemson University. A group of athletes, parents, advocates and alumni have organized an effort to save the Clemson Men’s Track & Field and Cross Country Programs, and they’ve hired a lawyer.

San Francisco-based attorney Arthur Bryant argues that eliminating the men’s team will put the university in violation of the law by providing too few sports options for its male athletes. Title IX law requires that schools provide opportunities for male and female student-athletes that are proportionate to the overall student population.

Clemson announced in November that it would discontinue its men’s cross country and track and field programs amid budget concerns brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Bryant sent a letter Friday on behalf of the group to Clemson president James Clements asking that the school provide a response by March 23.

Clemson has not responded to a request for comment.