Time to protect against Mosquitoes

It’s that time of year again. Now that spring is starting to warm up, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) encourages residents to start taking action against mosquitoes. Be vigilant about controlling the mosquito population in your yard and community, while protecting yourself from bites. Remove, empty, or fill any objects in your yard or home that might hold water in order to eliminate breeding sites. If you are outside, wear protective clothing. Long pants and long-sleeved shirts are more protective than you might think. You may also choose to apply a mosquito repellent, either a spray or wipe, per manufacturer instructions to help shield you from bites. Avoid wearing perfume or scented products. Also, keep car windows rolled up and garage doors closed at night. Ensure all of your windows and doors have screens or seal properly. Visit DHEC’s mosquito information page for additional information about protecting yourself from mosquito bites, eliminating breeding areas, contacting local mosquito control, and more.