Tips to keep Stinging Insects from ruining Summer Fun
Summer is here! That means it’s time to fire up the backyard barbecues and just enjoy playing outdoors. It’s also the time when summer stingers begin to make their appearance. Stinging insects send more than 500,000 people to the emergency room every year. These pests are not just a nuisance. In addition to their painful stings, they can pose a real danger to those who suffer from allergic reactions. Wasps are the most aggressive of the summer stingers. They should be avoided as they often attack humans for no apparent reason. Yellow jackets typically create their nests in the ground but they can also be found in attics and basements. A fully developed nest can contain thousands of adult yellow jackets and these stingers will vigorously pursue intruders if their nest is disturbed. Many think red imported fire ants bite, but they actually sting. Avoid their signature mounds as they will sting multiple times if their nest is disturbed. Mosquitoes are summer’s most notorious stinger and can transmit diseases like West Nile Virus or Encephalitis in addition to the painful, itchy welts they leave behind. Like wasps, yellow jackets and fire ants, hornets are social stinging insects and present a greater threat because they attack in large numbers if they perceive their nest is danger. Follow these easy steps to prevent stinging insects from ruining summer fun. Serve sugary drinks in covered pitchers and keep desserts in tightly sealed containers. Make sure all outdoor trash cans have a secure lid that is kept in place. Remove sources of standing water, such as old tires, children’s wading pools, birdbaths and saucers of flowerpots. Cut back or get rid of unnecessary vegetation around the home. Seal all cracks around the foundation of the home and ensure all screens are in good repair. If an infestation is suspected, homeowners should contact a licensed pest professional to remove the insects from the property.