Two Undergraduates Elected President and Vice-President Of Clemson University Student Government

(Seneca, SC)———————–Two undergraduate students at Clemson University have been elected President and Vice-President of the Clemson University Student Government. 

Logan Young was elected President. The junior from Greenville is a junior nursing major and is currently serving as Vice- President. Logan previously served as state president of the South Carolina Association of Student Councils, overseeing all high schools and middle schools in the state. 

Logan’s running mate, Andrew Kwansy, was elected Vice-President and is an industrial engineering major and is a sophomore from Chagrin Falls, OH. 

Another underclassmen, junior Ashley Girvin, was elected president of the undergraduate student senate. Girvin is a health science major from Greenville who is in the midst of her fourth term as a senator. According to Phillip Sikes from Clemson University News Services, Ashley chaired the University Services Committee, which is one of the various committee’s within student government which deals and discusses matters that pertain to commercial services and campus technology at Clemson. 

A record 8,633 votes were cast during the election, according to a release issued from Clemson University.

The new officers will be sworn in on April 11th.