U.S. Senator And Seneca Native Lindsay Graham Holding Hearing Today Of The Senate Judiciary Committee On Southern Border Security

 U.S. Senator and Seneca Native Lindsey Graham is chairing a hearing today of the Senate Judiciary Committee in regards to issues along the southern border. The hearing is titled “Oversight of the Customs and Border Protection’s Response to the Smuggling of Persons at the Southern Border.” Senator Graham said in a statement yesterday that there is an immigration crisis at the southern border and that he feels that President Trump is on sound legal footing to declare an emergency to deal with the problems and he has expressed his support for the President’s recent emergency declaration regarding security at the southern border. He said that he expects the President’s position will prevail in the courts and with Congress. 

In his opening statement today, Graham says that “There is no doubt that we face unprecedented border security and humanitarian challenges today at our southern border.” Graham went on to say “It is real. It is serious. It is a threat. And it poses a direct challenge to the safety and security of the citizens of the United States.” 

Graham also expressed appreciation to Democrats on the committee for the request to hold the hearing. 

Graham also released other statements in recent days criticizing Democrats for holding a hearing with former Trump attorney Michael Cohen in the House Oversight Committee while the President was overseas meeting with North Korea and expressed his support of President Trump’s efforts to reach a peaceful conclusion in this regard. Graham also expressed recently his support for the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Graham also issued a statement in support of President Trump’s decision to leave a small contingent of American Forces in Syria. 

Graham was also recognized this week as a “True Blue” member of the Senate by the Family Research Council.