Unusual Presidential Election ahead says Clemson Prof

This year’s presidential race is like no other before in the United States of America, says Clemson University Political Science Professor Dr. Joseph Stewart. “We’ve got two incredibly unpopular candidates here, it is amazing. I used to say that if a candidate had their negatives above 30% they just couldn’t win a race, well both of these have their negatives in the high 50s, low 60s, so by traditional standards neither one of these candidates should be able to win the presidency.” The best advice to the candidates may be to stay silent, adds Dr. Stewart. “Every time they open their mouth, they wind up shooting themselves, at least in the foot, if not something more vital, so this is one where traditional political strategy doesn’t provide any guidance for how to go forward on this. Every morning when I get up and flip the news on, I’m thinking I just can’t believe they did this and so I don’t know what to say about a lot of what is going on in the presidential race.” One thing is for sure, Dr. Stewart says the next few months of the presidential race will be interesting.