Update on Clemson Downtown Corridor Study

The City of Clemson has been working with the design firm Alta to develop a long-range plan for the College Avenue corridor from Highway 93 to Highway 123. The study began in August of 2017 and has included three public input sessions and a public design charrette. The study is looking into issues such as the potential removal of on-street parking (provided the City can build a new parking deck), increasing sidewalk widths, promoting safe bicycle traffic, promoting public transit, addressing private vehicular traffic and cut-through traffic, improving the streetscape planting, lighting and signage, increasing pedestrian safety, the creation of pedestrian plazas, and possibly adding public green or park space. The public is invited to be a part of this process. Final drafts of ideas developed during the earlier sessions; the Public Input Session on Sept. 19, and Design Charrette on Sept. 28, as well as the Public Input Session on Oct. 23, were presented on Dec. 6, to the Clemson City Council. A final presentation and another chance for input will be held in January. In addition, a survey of downtown merchants and parking behavior will take place in the spring of 2018 and no work is expected to occur on this project until and unless a parking deck is built to replace any parking removed from the street.