Update on repairs at Seneca City Hall

Repairs continue in front of Seneca City Hall and the Police Station after a leaking pipe was discovered in the basement of both buildings. Seneca Mayor Dan Alexander gives an update on the work. “They’ve been doing lots of work there, I know a lot of people have ridden by and seen where we’ve had it blocked where you couldn’t actually park up near the building, so I want to thank everybody for that. We’ve had several issues with that building in the front, beside the conduit, I think it probably goes back farther than that and they have come up with a plan where they feel like it will fix it this time. They did pinpoint some areas where the water was coming in, so if you ride by there, there is a good bit of concrete in the front. There are some different things that they are going to do in the front to help it look more pleasing too. Still a little bit more work to do there but hopefully we’ll be able to stop the water from coming in some of the rooms of the downstairs part.” At their meeting earlier this month, the Seneca City Council approved spending $30-50,000 on the repairs. Most of the repair work is being done in-house to save the city money. Repairs are anticipated to be complete in the first part of December.