Update on SDOC’s Construction Projects

In a growing school system like the School District of Oconee County (SDOC), construction is always taking place somewhere. Oconee County Schools Associate Superintendent of Administration Steve Hanvey gives an update on construction projects in the local public school system. “We’re in the later stages of Walhalla Elementary. We had to wait until the gym got finished so that we could move the PE classes out, so we are doing a renovation. The old multi-purpose room and gym is being turned into a kindergarten classroom and an art classroom, so they are working on that. We have that inspection coming up, I think around Aug. 2. So, we are excited about that and that will wrap up that project that we have been working with J Davis Construction on at Walhalla Elementary. West-Oak High School is in really good shape. One of the last things there was to get the band practice field in front of the school and that seems to be coming along well. We are in the planning stages for the new Career Center, the plans are in Columbia now so that we can get those approved and we hope to be doing some work. We have a little bit more grading on our specific site and then we will start doing some of the curb and gutter, infrastructure, pipe and drainage work, pouring the pad and getting that stuff ready here in the next month or so. So, a lot going on as we get ready to start the new school year.” The first day of school in the SDOC is Aug. 20.