Use Perimeter Road to come to Clemson University’s Ring Ceremony

Those planning to attend Clemson University’s Ring Ceremony Thursday, Nov. 15, 2018, at Littlejohn Coliseum should avoid Highway 93 and use Perimeter Road instead, reports the Clemson University Media Relations Department. Due to construction on Highway 93, there is only one westbound lane open from College Avenue to Williamson Road. Visitors should avoid Highway 93 and use Perimeter Road to reach parking areas near Littlejohn. Those coming from Interstate 85 should head north on U.S. 76 and turn left onto Perimeter Road. From U.S. 123, drivers should get off on the Highway 93 exit toward campus, then turn left onto U.S. 76 to get to Perimeter Road. The Ring Ceremony begins at 6:30pm. Doors open at 5pm, when the Parade of Rings begins. For more information, visit