Walhalla High School named Green Steps Certified School

The South Carolina Greens Steps School’s program was created in 2003 as part of South Carolina’s Resource Conservation Challenge. Green Steps is an environmental statewide educational initiative that encourages schools to take annual steps toward establishing and maintaining model quality sustainability projects. To earn a “certified” designation, school teams must establish and maintain two projects for each of the three categories: conservation, protection and restoration. To qualify, schools must work with qualified project mentors and submit documentation of students learning, doing and teaching others about their projects. Over the past three years, Walhalla High School’s Green Steps team, lead by science teacher Amanda Gladys, has developed a comprehensive recycling program, composting initiative, water quality monitoring program, honeybee monitoring program, established and expanded pollinator gardens on campus, lead “leave no trace” education, share table awareness and an upcycling initiative.

Ms. Gladys said, “At Walhalla High School, we believe it is our responsibility to offer our students the opportunity to be part of the solution through action.” Mr. Steve Garrett, principal of Walhalla High School, said, “It amazes me to see people so dedicated to a cause. Amanda Gladys and the entire Green Steps Team are truly amazing. Their passion for the environment and educating others on how we all can do our part to support our community’s environmental health is a credit to Walhalla High School and Oconee County.”