Walhalla Legion helps School Back Pack Program
The Walhalla American Legion has taken a special interest in helping “further” the Oconee County School District’s “Back Pack Program”. Jerry Dyar, Walhalla Legion spokesman said, “At our May meeting, Post 124 presented a check for $5,000 to foundation representative John Michael Powell. The Walhalla American Legion had donated $2,500 during the program “start up effort” a couple of years back and when our membership learned of the tremendous benefit the project had afforded so many of our Oconee County school kids, we wanted to help again”. Powell, in visiting the organization to accept the donation, talked with the Legion members about how this program has really been crucial to the development, from a nutritional, physical and better learning environment for so many of the under nourished kids throughout the district. Powell said, “Our educational staff has reported a marked, positive difference in these kids and these types of reports just push the “back pack program” to strive for even greater heights through the Education Foundation of Oconee County.” Dave Mahn, Commander of the outstanding local Legion post reminded his members that the “back pack” program, through the $5,000 donation, will continue to flourish as the project will provide backpacks with child-friendly food for students to take home over the weekend (next school year) when they do not have access to the free and reduced breakfasts and lunches at school, or evening meals. Dyar added, “We feel this project is so vital to so many kids across Oconee County that we are challenging other service organizations to get involved and help make this endeavor the best one in South Carolina”. Powell echoed those sentiments, thanked the Post for its efforts, and praised the Walhalla Legion, “As one of our great county organizations that can really get things done. I want to also personally thank your Honor Guard for all of its hard work in performing Military Funeral Honors so often all across Oconee County.”